Friday, July 15, 2005

through the glass darkly...

Consider the following traits:
  • Stubborn
  • Rebellious
  • Non-conformist
  • Unorthodox
and the following as well:
  • Tend to rationalize things
  • Strives for balanced views
  • Tries to be politically-correct
  • Likes to complicate things
A few of my close friends pointed mentioned something to me which got me thinking about my personal characteristics; I've taken the liberty to list a few of the traits which I think I possses above.

The reason I separated these traits into two main groups is to highlight the sheer contrast between these two main groups, and yet how each traits in one group could help 'enhance' the traits in the other group i.e. how they seemed paradoxically different but at the same time complementary.

For instance, people often commented that I tend to rationalize things and tries too hard to be politically-correct; and most of the time, I will choose to ignore such comments and sometimes, even defended my attitudes - I feel that such insistence could stem from the fact that I am a non-conformist and plain stubborn at times.

I must admit that the presence of such traits in a single person will lead to a rather volatile and unpredictable personality 'concoction'; I think I have faced many circumstances which could back up and safely confirm the validity of this statement.

It's very enlightening for me to be able to identify and list down such personal traits. I feel that it goes a long way in explaining my attitudes and behaviors; it also allows me to make sense of some of my previous actions under several trying circumstances, some of which are quite unfathomable to me.

At least now I hope, I can see some light on this matter of the most personal and intimate nature.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face, now I know in part; but then I shall know even as I am known."


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